MEETING MINUTES— April 13th, 2017
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska – The Pizza Ranch -84th & Lexington | 11:30am-1:00pm
Present: 18 in attendance
Members: Amy Fish; Joanne Bartels; Larry Gadeken; Tim Kirkpatrick; Anthony Butler; Kolleen Meyer-Krikac; Sherri Recker; Barb Tyler; Kyle Kudron; Carl Tesch; Michaela Judd; Ben Petersen; Sydney Stanard; Mark Whitehead; Kevin Harrington; Steve Maly; Mark Whitehead
Guests: Matt Schulte and his son Micah
Minutes from March 2017 were approved
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New Members – email logo to Diana for the website
Member Spotlights:
New Member-
Michaela Judd – CKO Kickboxing
Current Member-
Larry Gadeken – Legacy Arbors
Membership Chair Report:
Currently 39 members
Social Chair Update:
Great turn out at the Blood Blood Brewery
Next Event will be a FAC in May and the Saltdogs event in July
Treasurer’s Report:
The Checking account now has $3196.83 and $3000 in CD’s.
Police/Fire Update:
Police – Captain Anthony Butler: For about the last 10 days there has been an uptick of daytime burglaries. Mainly in garages left open or unlocked. A woman was arrested for burglary on 4/12/17. A robbery involving juveniles recently has resulted in three being arrested in that case. The Red/White game is this weekend and LPD will try to head off underage drinking. There will be an Honor Flight coming up. They are expecting about 6000 spectators for that when the group returns and a parade. Captain Butler updated the group on some upcoming road construction coming up.
Featured Speaker:
Matt Schulte – Lincoln Public School Board Member
Matt has been the campus director for Campus Life for 6 ½ years. They are doing a fundraiser for kids to go to camp. Matt has been on the school board for 2 years. The school board is one of the most impacting government entities there is. The school board receives the highest percentage of your property tax at 61%. Also the fact that most families entrust their children with our public schools for 8 hours a day. Many of the futures employees of Lincoln business come from Lincoln public schools. These are good reasons everyone should pay attention to what goes in LPS and the school’s board. Matt mentioned that LPS does a great job of upgrading and improving our schools to keep the quality of the building equitable. This keeps schools that were built in the 30’s similar to the schools built today. Over the last 5 years we’ve added 4500 kids to LPS and over the next 5 years, they expect to add another 4000 kids. Most of these will be high school age. Currently, 4 out of the 6 high schools are over capacity and 1 more is at 90% plus capacity. Matt’s position is to consider building two smaller high schools to relieve the congestion rather than one large school. This will give those families and students who want a smaller school feel an opportunity. Matt would also like to see more e-learning opportunities and multiple school day start times. With multiple start times, it would utilize the facilities better. Matt mentioned that Northeast is under capacity and they are using different programs like JROTC to attract students there.
Q & A
Do you advocate for Charter Schools? No, not for Lincoln. Charter schools have their place but I don’t think it would work for Lincoln.
Are there plans to improve the baseball fields at Northstar? I have not heard that before but I can look into it. Baseball fields around town are in high demand.
What happens to the rolled over bonds? The oldest bond is from 1999 and set to expire in 2018. What happens is when they are about to expire is the school board requests another bond vote to replace that income that is similar in size.
Why can’t we just build onto the existing schools? It depends on how the school was built and if they planned for future additions. Some schools are already too big with multiple offices and libraries.
Next meeting May 11th,2017 – Katie Koester, Kidwell; Cyber Security Presentation
NLBA Meetings:
Next Association meeting:
May 11th, 2017 at THE PIZZA RANCH – 84th & Lexington | 11:30am- 1:00pm
Next Board Meeting – June 13th, 3:30PM Host: Tim Kirkpatrick
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Kyle Kudron NLBA Secretary
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