MEETING MINUTES— February 8, 2018
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska – The Pizza Ranch -84th & Lexington | 11:30am-1:00pm
Present: 23 in attendance
Members: Diana Schilf; Steve Maly; Anthony Butler; Ben Petersen; Tara Mohl; Tim Kirkpatrick; Mark Whitehead; Angela Caldwell; Kolleen Meyer-Krikac; Robbie Nathan; Sydney Stanard; Barb Taylor; Jake Spotanski; R.J. Lipert; Kelly Jensen; Sherri Recker; Fred Knight; Julie Robinson; Craig Willeke; Carl Tesch; Joanne Bartels; Kyle Kudron
Guests: Alyssa Theilen;
The January 2018 minutes were approved.
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New Members – email logo to Diana for the website
Member Spotlights
Continued from January
Membership Chair Report
24 paid members and a total of 28 members
Social Chair Update
The social committee is working on a bowling event in March.
Treasurer’s Report:
As of 2/7/2018 the group has $3618.51 in checking.
Police/Fire Update:
Captain Anthony Butler – Captain Butler updated the group on recent crimes in north Lincoln and police department updates. March 1st there will be another citizen’s academy starting. These run on Thursdays for 10 weeks. Streets alive will be September 23rd, 2018 in Belmont. This year will involve a service project and donations are welcome. North 33rd and Cornhusker Hwy advisory meetings started this week. There will be an open house at the Center for People in Need on February 22nd from 5 PM – 7 PM.
Featured Speaker
Mark Whitehead – Whitehead Oil – U-Stop
Mark Whitehead gave a presentation entitled “Our Energy and Transportation Future…Locally, Nationally and Globally in the Decades to Come.” Mark spoke to the group about the variety and very interesting areas that he and Whitehead Oil is involved with. Mark’s presentation included statistics about the amount of CO2 in the air and the correlation it has on temperature. Mark also discussed alternatives to fossil fuels like ethanol, nuclear and electric.
NLBA Meetings:
Next Association meeting: March 8th, 2018 at THE PIZZA RANCH – 84th & Lexington | 11:30am- 1:00pm
Next Board meeting: March 29th, 2018 – Mutual of Omaha Office in Fallbrook.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Kyle Kudron NLBA Secretary
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