MEETING MINUTES – March 10th, 2022
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska – Hy-Vee -84th & Holdrege | 11:30am-1:00pm
Present: 22 in attendance
Members: Kyle Kudron; Tim Kirkpatrick; Joanne Bartels; Tara West; Emily Koopmann; Patrick Lawler; Anthony Butler; Diana Schilf; Margaret Burnham; Brian Adam; Jeanne Sheridan; Kolleen Meyer-Krikac; Angel Neal; Patty Gerlach; Maddie Gates; Fallyn Alleman; Jackson Cassidy;
Guests: DeAnna Whittemore; Robert Lane; Dave Engler;
Facebook Live Viewers: Steve Sheridan; Sydney Stanard
The minutes from February 2022 were approved.
New Members – email logo to Joanne Bartels for the website
Spotlight Speakers
Maddie Gates, Premier Preschool
Membership Chair Report
26 Paid Member Business for 2022
New members recruitment – Please invite fellow business that serve North Lincoln – Network and have fun.
Social Chair Update
The social committee is working on the next event. We are looking into a mixology type event for our next social.
Treasurer’s Report:
$2370.52 in Checking and $3000.00 in CDs as of March 10th, 2022
Community Update
Captain Anthony Butler
Captain Butler is currently working on staff shortages.
Other Business:
NLBA has launched a public Facebook page. If you have a Facebook account, please like, and share our page.
Featured Speaker
Dave Engler, Fire Chief – Lincoln Fire Department
Chief Engler began by giving a background on himself and how he got started as a firefighter. Dave then gave the group an overview of the Lincoln Fire Department. Last year was a busier year for LFR, they responded to just under 30K calls in 2021. About 80% of the calls are medical related with the rest being fire. Lincoln is unique compared to other cities as our ambulance service is funded by enterprise fees and not tax dollars. As with the LPD, the LFR is experiencing staff shortages and the number of applicants has dramatically dropped over the years. These challenges in staffing for Public Safety seems to be a trend nationwide too. LFR is looking to upgrade some of the aging facilities. We have 5 new stations in the last few years but 11 others that have been around since the 50’s and 60’s. The age of some is causing safety concerns to our firefighter who are stationed at them. One other project is the training center needs to be upgraded. The training center LFR had at SCC is going away to make way for student housing. Chief Engler mentioned that he is studying the viability of bring the fire inspection team back under LFR from the Building Safety department of the city. Chief Engler then took questions from the group.
Chief Engler encourages everyone to download the PulsePoint app on your cell phone.
NLBA Meetings:
Next Association meeting: April 14th, 2022 at Hy-Vee – 84th & Holdrege | 11:30am- 1:00pm
Next Board meeting May 5th, 2022 – Belmont Community Center 11:30 AM – 1 PM
Meeting Adjourned. Respectfully submitted by Kyle Kudron NLBA Secretary-
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