Location: The Pizza Ranch – 84th & Lexington
Present: Members: Amy Fish, Bill Neeman, Carl Tesch, Barb Tyler, Nga Vu, Sonya Avitia, Capt Anthony Butler, Tim Kirkpatrick, Jon Borton, Kelly Jensen, Mindy Lubeck, Sherri Recker, Fred Knight, Steve Maly, Doug Fry, Kolleen Meyer-Krikac, Shannon Meysenburg, Diana Schilf, Joanne Bartels
Guests: Randy Fischer, Tony Lawhorne, Jess Meekma, John Rood
Introductions/ Member Announcements:
- Amy called the meeting to order and thanked everyone for attending. Joann and Sherri made a motion and second to approve the January minutes which was approved by the membership.
- Jon thanked all those who filled out the survey – the information was very helpful.
- Steve reminded us to get our business logos to him for the web site.
- Kolleen informed the group about two upcoming workshops; “Love Yourself” and an Ethics workshop.
- Kelly reminded the group that Valentines Day is the perfect occasion for VIP Services, Inc.
- Sherri said that Staybridge Suites caters to extended stay needs.
- Mindy is looking for salon / spa owner contacts for a new product line she has to offer.
- Diana said anyone who is starting a business is a good lead for her.
- Sonya said they’re welcoming new business accounts at her Pinnacle Bank branch.
- Jess said that Pizza Ranch offers off site catering in addition to the private room on-site.
Past President Award:
- Amy presented Joanne with a “major award” for her service as President in 2014. NLBA wishes to thank her for filling that role (again) this past year.
Police/Fire Update:.
- Capt Butler said the department is still looking to reduce the number of accidents at the 14th & Superior roundabout. The City Mission, Wal-Mart and the jail continue to lead the call list.
There has been a series of recent robberies … about 12 of them city wide and 2-3 in the NW district. The first suspect they brought in to custody looked like the right guy, but it led to the capture of the correct arrest when they learned where the suspect might be staying. It appears the robberies were narcotic related.
A larceny in the Belmont area led police to arrest five suspects ages 19 down to 13 with the 13 year old being the biggest offender. Police believe the group may be responsible for as many as 25 larcenies throughout the city in the last two weeks.
Performance Dodge had an internal theft of about $20,000. An automobile theft and a trailer theft on west “O” street seem to be related to some suspects that keep going in and out of jail. When they’re in jail the thefts taper off.
Social Chair Update:
- Sherri Recker has agreed to be the new Social Chair. 2015 events are in the works – more to come.
Treasurer’s Report:
- The NLBA books were recently audited by Nga and Joanne and everything is in order. We currently have $2934.45 in the checking account and another $3,000 in CD’s
Featured Speaker:
RANDY FISCHER – Emergency Response Coordinator, LLCHD
Randy is responsible for the coordination of health care coalitions in the event of any major outbreak or catastrophe. The coalition represents the largest group of health care facilities in the state with over 100 members. The goal is to have care and medicine administered within 48 hours. All licensed medical personnel must commit to help in the event this happens. A mobile hospital with 250 beds and chem.-pac treatments are included. These are the same chemical nerve agents used in farm accidents.
Randy is also responsible for writing exercises which simulate actual emergencies. Some of these are limited “table” exercises, while others are real life complete with role playing. An exercise that took place yesterday was the latter of the two and it was an F-5 tornado simulation. They had 135 people from 45 different agencies take part. All of the key players were present.
The exercise was successful and Randy was pleased with the outcome. He brought up the Hallam tornado and reminded us that if it had stayed on its original course, it would have come through east Lincoln and St Elizabeth Hospital would have been demolished. Luckily it change course before reach town.
- Amy asked about our current communication system and whether Randy thought it was capable of handling such an emergency. Randy said they would set up portable 911 towers, but there tends to be at least some breakdown in the system during every wide-scale emergency. It’s a problem.
- Kelly said he had been told that emergency response agencies are permitted to commandeer radios and towers from all sources. Randy said that is true.
NLBA Meetings:
- The next Association meeting is Thursday, March 12th
- THE PIZZA RANCH – 84th & Lexington | 11:30am – 1:00pm
- Speakers: Carl Eskridge & Doug Emery – City Councilmen
- The next Board meeting is Thursday, February 26th |
- Nebraska Hospital Association , 3255 Salt Creek Circle, Suite | Noon
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Fred Knight
NLBA Secretary
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